Orijaus kelionės

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  • Maisto papildas nervų sistemai, 30 kapsulių
  • Rodiolė padeda palaikyti normalią psichologinę, fizinę, protinę ir pažinimo funkcijas bei širdies ir kraujagyslių sistemos funkciją.
  • Dažinių ciberžolių šakniastiebiai padeda palaikyti normalias odos, kepenų, širdies ir kraujagyslių, nervų, kvėpavimo ir imuninės sistemų funkcijas.
  • Dygieji artišokai padeda palaikyti normalias kepenų, virškinamojo trakto funkcijas ir prisideda prie normalaus lipidų kiekio kraujyje palaikymo.
  • Daržiniai krokai gali padėti palaikyti normalią psichologinę funkciją.
  • Chromas padeda palaikyti normalią: gliukozės koncentraciją kraujyje, padeda palaikyti normalią maistinių makromedžiagų apykaitą.

Sudedamosios dalys: standartizuotas rausvųjų rodiolių (Rhodiola rosea) šaknų sausasis ekstraktas, stabilizatorius
hidroksipropilmetilceliuliozė (veganiškas kapsulės apvalkalas), standartizuotas dažinių ciberžolių (Curcuma longa) šakniastiebių sausasis ekstraktas, standartizuotas dygiųjų artišokų (Cynara cardunculus) lapų sausasis ekstraktas, 5-hidroksitriptofanas, standartizuotas daržinių krokų (Crocus sativus) purkų sausasis ekstraktas, chromo pikolinatas.


Vartoti po 1 kapsulę per dieną, užgeriant stikline vandens.


Maisto papildas neturėtų būti vartojamas kaip maisto pakaitalas. Neviršyti nustatytos rekomenduojamos paros
dozės. Svarbu įvairi ir subalansuota mityba bei sveikas gyvenimo būdas. Nevartoti, jei padidėjęs jautrumas (alergija)
kuriai nors produkto sudedamajai daliai.
Laikyti gamintojo pakuotėje, ne aukštesnėje kaip 25 °C temperatūroje, sausoje vietoje, atokiau nuo šilumos šaltinių
ir tiesioginių saulės spindulių, vaikams nepasiekiamoje vietoje.
Tinka veganams. Nepridėta cukrų, dirbtinių dažiklių, konservantų.

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    Smart capsules

    • Ingredients

      When selecting ingredients, we prefer those that have grown in their place of origin or had 100% the best growing conditions.

    • Sustainability

      We create everyday to experience one more day.

    • Not the composition, but the formula

      Our goal is not composition, but an effective formula in which all ingredients work synergistically and benefit the human body.

    Frequently asked questions

    Why choose TIG?

    We create food supplements from the highest quality biologically active, carefully studied and scientifically approved components. Treat It Green scientists constantly ensure that only the most active forms of vitamins, minerals and plants are used in the production of products. We work with natural ingredients from the most remote corners of the world and choose only the purest, and then use them to produce products of the highest quality. We choose the best.

    Where can I get a consultation?

    We believe that knowledge leads to a responsible choice, so we recommend that you consult your family doctor before choosing products designed to support harmonious well-being.

    We are happy to answer inquiries about products and their areas of application live in Vilnius, Vokiečių str. 15 or online via Treat it Green social media and email shop@treatitgreen.com

    How long does it take to deliver an order?

    Usually, order preparation and shipping takes place the day after the order is placed or the day after it is placed. In cases where the number of orders exceeds the usual, we warn you of the possible delay of the shipment. The duration of the delivery of goods also depends on the chosen courier service or the availability of parcel storage/sending postal machines. Therefore, during highly active e-commerce periods, we encourage you to pay attention to general delay trends, which sometimes depend not only on the seller, but also on third parties.


    Finally, what the world has been talking about for some time is in Lithuania. Food supplements with a super clean composition for all areas of need. I have been interested in medicinal mushrooms and have been using them for a long time, so when I saw that these products are also available in our city (almost in my backyard), I rushed to stock up on my nutritional supplements.


    All the vitamins necessary for a woman's health with herbal supplements together. I like it very much


    I am a nursing mother, so I choose supplements very carefully. I consulted the family doctor and the representatives of Treat It Green, the women's essentials set is suitable for me. I have also used their B group vitamin complex, it is indispensable.


    A spicy-sounding but real miracle is a mixture of mushrooms and plants for improving male reproduction. I am surprised that my hometown has this level of product. Awesome!


    I discovered adaptogens relatively recently, I am satisfied, my energy and endurance in the gym seem to have increased. I highly recommend it.


    Excellent composition of food supplements and very pleasant service. Thank you and good luck, I'll be back!
